
2020-10-24 Fleet_20.jpg

And so the lockdown continues, and I can’t see it being lifted in any significant way for sometime to come. My daily walk takes more or less the same route, with the same cheery wave to the same runner on the opposite side of the same street, at the same time. I always take my camera and have noted a pattern to what I am photographing. I have seemingly become obsessed with lone flowers. I take dozens of photos of isolated flowers, of all types. I have no idea why this is. A splash of beauty in an otherwise familiar world? Who knows, but I am building up a nice little set of shots now.

2017-06-29 Greenway_28.jpg
2017-08-11 Wisley45.jpg
2017-06-29 Greenway_213.jpg

When I look back over the last few years in my archives, I can see this style starting to develop. I remember the first shot I took like this, the flower contrasted against deep shadow. I was at the RHS gardens in Wisley. I was down on my hands and knees trying to get the composition I wanted and being tutted at by a couple with matching cagoules. Clearly not lovers of the photographic art.

2020-04-22 COVID-19 Day 34_9.jpg
2020-05-03 COVID-19 Day 51_20.jpg
2020-05-03 COVID-19 Day 51_12.jpg

As I don’t think I will be going far in the near future I think I am going to turn this into a little project and see if I can get a dozen shots I am pleased with in this style. Beware the flora of North East Hampshire, I am coming for you…


So That Was 2020…


Where I Go On A Kevin Mullins Workshop