Where I Get Soaked To The Skin


In a surprising turn of events, I ended up with a day off. I looked at the weather forecast and it was predicting rain. How bad can it be I thought? For goodness sake, I am British, a bit of rain won’t be a problem. How wrong I was Dear Readers. Having arrived at Waterloo Station, I headed down the South Bank and the Heavens opened. Not normal, drizzle, easily held at bay by the use of an umbrella, but full on torrential rain, mostly going horizontally because of the high winds. With nowhere to shelter I was soaked to the skin in minutes. I did however learn three things:

1. My camera bag is truly waterproof.
2. My Fuji XT2 is as hard as nails in the rain.
3. My coat is not waterproof, despite what it might say on the label.

After a while, the amount of rain, no longer mattered as I was about as wet as I was going to get, so I pressed on. I did find a handy place to shelter for a while, whilst I watched commuters battle the weather.


Having got as far as Tower Bridge, and with water dripping down my back, I headed to a cafe to sit in the corner, and drip dry with a giant hot chocolate*. As the weather didn’t look to be getting any better, I decided to go to the Tate Modern.

I have to admit as to not fully understanding modern art, but I stood in front of the artworks and looked serious. I think I got away with it. After a while I decided create some art of my own, and tried to capture the majesty of the building.


It was hard to escape the rain, even inside…


*With Cream


A Photographic Disaster in Devon


Where I Photograph People Running