Helen In Lack of Blog Post Shocker


I have been a very bad blogger indeed. I have failed repeatedly to schedule any blog posts whatsoever in the last few months. To make matters worse, I am, at this very moment, committing that terrible blogging sin of typing this post straight into Squarespace. No drafting, no editing, no checking for grammatical or typing errors. This is blogging on the edge. It's risky, but hey, you never know, I may produce blogging gold. Or maybe not. 

I honestly don’t know what happened to August, September, October and November. They seem to have passed by in a blur of client meetings, work travel and endless piles of washing. My photographic output has been severely reduced. As of yesterday, I am now on my Christmas holidays. No more work or meetings until the new year. This means that the Delightful Mr F and I can potter about the place, cameras in hand until our hearts are content.

That isn’t to say that I haven’t done any photography at all. The Delightful Mr F has started his own Karate Dojo, Hart Shotokan Karate, and I have done a few photo shoots for him so he has images for his site, and social media.

We also went to London, just to wander and to see what we could see. I got a couple of nice shots at the Barbican. I took my XT-2 and the 35mm f2 lens. I hadn’t used that lens in a long time and had forgotten how much I enjoy it. The Delightful Mr F has bought a second hand XT-1 and is using it with his vintage lenses. He’s getting some wonderful looking shots. The rendering is quite beautiful.

All I can say is that in 2020 I must try harder…


Where I Go On A Kevin Mullins Workshop


Where There Was Too Much Work…